• The magic of cooking

    Carme Ruscalleda Bridge EAN 9788416670239 Veure altres productes del mateix autor
    «Gastronomy strives for excellence in food: we do not cook merely to survive or to produce something edible. We need to cook with the intention of not wasting time in the kitchen. Cooking means investing precious time, which is converted into gastronomy, health, nutrition and good personal relations...
    Ancho: 175 cm Largo: 255 cm Peso: 1190 gr
    Disponible en 7 dies
    24,00 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-84-16670-23-9
    • Encuadernació : Tapa dura
    • Data d'edició : 01/07/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autors : Carme Ruscalleda
    • Traductors : Emily McBride
    • Ilustradors : Pilarín Bayés de Luna
    • Nº de pàgines : 360
    «Gastronomy strives for excellence in food: we do not cook merely to survive or to produce something edible. We need to cook with the intention of not wasting time in the kitchen. Cooking means investing precious time, which is converted into gastronomy, health, nutrition and good personal relationships with those we love. We need to cook with the conviction that we can produce excellent food, and that good food is something intrinsically tied to our emotions. I therefore defend the emotions of simple cooking, cooking made up of simple details, such as in the recipes that you will find here. One of my goals is for you to fall in love with cooking, and for it to become one of your favourite things.»


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